Guest Post Site 2023

Submit a guest post to Sestra’s Kitchen (food “write for us”) and share your expertise about food, food recipes, baking, and even healthy living, and dieting. We are looking for creative writers, budding bloggers, or food enthusiasts, who can produce high-quality content. We aim to provide our readers with genuine, original, and honest articles that inform and educate.

Being a guest post site, 2023, we only publish articles that are well-thought, quality, and interesting to our readers. This is your chance to have you writing skills shown to our readers.
Food “Write For Us” Guidelines
We only want quality articles for this guest post site so be sure to follow these guidelines:
- Make the title creative, catchy, and exciting.
- State the “hook” or the main point of the article in the introduction.
- We will only entertain submissions that have at least 1,000 words.
- The guest post you wish to submit should be well-structured, plagiarism-free, and well-organized. The article will be rejected without notice if plagiarism is detected by the checker.
- Support your article with at least one copyright-free image.
- We reserve the right to edit some words or keywords that we think are better targeted with the article that you submitted.
- One do-follow backlink to the website of your choice or to your social media channel.
- Should be well-written by a human and not AI.
Recommended Food “Write For Us” Topics:
- Food recipes
- If you have a good and easy recipe that you’d like to share to our readers, you are most welcome. You can include a link to your social media account for whatever purpose this may serve you.
- Baking techniques/methods
- Are you an expert in what baking? Our readers would love to learn from your expertise and be a little better than before. They’d surely thank you.
- Desserts
- Do you love baking desserts or you want to gain exposure for your product? You can right an article about it to raise awareness.
- Cake customization
- Any cake customization article, design ideas, tips, all are welcome.
- Dieting
- Do you want to help someone achieve the weight that they are struggling to achieve? Have you had success with your personal experience? Do share, it might just be what someone needed.
- Healthy Living
- Are you a health-conscious individual? You are welcome to write about it and what you’d like other people to learn in order to live a healthy lifestyle.
Send your article to in a word document (with images attached) with the mandatory subject line “Guest Post Submission | Sestra’s Kitchen”.
Related Search Terms:
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- write for us health and wellness
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